Superintendents know that golf course tees, greens, and fairways need to be kept beautiful and healthy. They also know that turfgrass diseases can pose a big threat to both of those needs. Some preventative fungicides are especially effective at achieving broad-spectrum, preventative control over a wide range of diseases.

ArmorTech FluZoxy-T

FluZoxy-T is a combination contact and systemic fungicide that gives superintendents broad-spectrum control of a wide variety of turf diseases. Designed specifically for golf course use, FluZoxy-T uses a unique combination of three types of contact and systemic fungicides to control anthracnose, brown patch, snow mold, stem rust, dollar spot, summer patch, leaf spot, and more. It is an effective, economical product and can be used as a spring app.

Active Ingredients: Fluazinam (19.5%), Tebuconazole (6.8%), Azoxystrobin (6.2%)

ArmorTech Prothio 4L

ArmorTech Prothio 4L is a broad-spectrum, DMI-based fungicide that provides curative and preventative protection against major diseases like dollar spot, brown patches, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, and snow mold. It also offers control of other diseases, including fairy ring, mini-ring, and large patch. Prothio 4L is versatile, cost-effective product and is safe for use on warm- and cool-season turf.

Active Ingredient: Prothioconazole (41%)

ArmorTech ZOXY 2F

ZOXY 2F is a systemic, broad-spectrum fungicide that is effective against major groups of fungi. It provides preventative control against anthracnose, brown patch, snow mold, Pythium diseases, leaf spot, and more. It’s also an economical choice for use on fairways. Azoxystrobin, the product’s active ingredient, moves upwards in the xylem, ensuring even distribution within plant tissues and must be watered in. ZOXY 2F can be tank-mixed and, when applied with a wetting agent and irrigated to the proper depth, establish control of root pathogens.

Active ingredient: Azoxystrobin (22.9%)

ArmorTech ZOXY-T

ZOXY-T is a systemic fungicide designed specifically for golf courses that combines azoxystrobin and tebuconazole, two powerful active ingredients. ZOXY-T provides broad-spectrum, preventative control of patch diseases, foliar diseases, and soil-borne pathogens. Like ZOXY 2F, it’s a budget-friendly option for fairways. We covered azoxystrobin in the previous paragraph, and tebuconazole is a demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide that inhibits cell wall formation and ergosterol production. Like ZOXY 2F, ZOXY-T must be watered in, can be tank-mixed, and can be benefitted by surfactants and rainfall.

Active ingredients: Tebuconazole (26.9%), Azoxystrobin (11.9%)

To learn more about ZOXY 2F and ZOXY-T, read our comprehensive blog post on the two products.

ArmorTech CYA 345

CYA 345 is a flowable suspension concentrate that controls a variety of Pythium and downy mildew diseases on golf course greens, tees, and fairways. CYA 345 provides preventative control over Pythium diseases, including root dysfunction, blight, damping-off, and root rot. Its active ingredient, cyazofamid, prevents Pythium spores from germinating and protects turf (through residual foliar protection) for up to 28 days after application, thanks to its low water solubility. CYA 345 is also safe to apply immediately after seeding and can control root pathogens. 

Active ingredient: Cyazofamid (34.5%)

Whichever product(s) you choose, be sure to follow the label instructions to ensure proper rates and control over the specific disease(s) you are targeting. To learn more about keeping turf diseases off your course this spring, reach out to your ATS rep.