Applying fertilizer in the early fall months will help customers’ lawns recover from the summer, store more energy for the winter, and keep roots strong and healthy. Plus, timing fertilizer applications between mid-September and mid-October will line up well with your typical aeration and seeding schedules, making it a productive and potentially profitable strategy.
The Best Fertilizer Type for Early Fall
Applying a fertilizer with slow-release nitrogen is the best option. Fast-acting fertilizers can encourage rapid growth, but this growth is short-lived. Plus, fast-acting fertilizers can burn warm-season turf. By using a slow-release fertilizer, you’ll be able to provide customers’ lawns—both cool and warm season types—with a steady supply of nutrients throughout the fall and winter.
For Lawns Not Being Seeded
If you’re not seeding, an all-purpose analysis with slow-release capabilities, such as 22-0-4 or 22-3-11, can deliver immediate and lasting nutrition to turf. Products containing Armament technology can be beneficial—especially for stressed or otherwise damaged turf. Armament technology, by Foliar-Pak, helps increase the availability of nutrients in the soil. Armament-enhanced fertilizer options include the aforementioned 22-0-4 and 22-3-11, along with 30-0-6.
If you’re looking for an organic option, Nature Safe 18-0-2 contains three forms of nitrogen for maximum nutrition. It also contains Armament technology. Another great organic option is Nature Safe 10-2-8. While organic options will be a bit more expensive than their conventional counterparts, they can deliver excellent results. Liquid options like Foliar-Pak 30-0-0, which adds slow release nitrogen to the soil, are also available and effective. For a more comprehensive liquid product, see Foliar-Pak 14-2-4, which delivers all three main nutrients, along with iron and manganese.
For Lawns During Aeration and Seeding
When fertilizer applications coincide with aeration and seeding, a starter fertilizer like 16-28-12 with Foliar-Pak Armament will be needed. A slow-release starter fertilizer is going to be your best bet, as it will help maximize feeding compared to 12-12-12 and similar types that don’t last as long in the soil. Plus, 16-28-12 enhances nutrient uptake through Armament technology. A proven organic option is Nature Safe 5-6-6 with Armament.
For Poa Annua Control
For pre-emergent Poa annua control, 0-0-7 With 0.125% Dimension is an excellent option to use on warm-season turf if you aren’t overseeding with perennial ryegrass. In addition to Poa annua, it can control 39 other weeds come spring.
These products are all great starting points, and your ATS rep can make tailored recommendations based on your geographic location, needs, and wants. Reach out to them today to work together and develop a plan. If you need a rep, use our rep finder tool and get connected today.