Fungicide applications depend on various factors, including the type of turfgrass you manage. Here are some recommendations you can follow for summer fungicide applications on bermudagrass.
Building phosphites is crucial to turf health on bermudagrass greens. To build phosphites, use Gold Standard 45 in every spray at a 1–2 oz/1,000 sq ft rate. The amino acids combine with phosphate to form phospholipid membranes in plant cell walls, which helps the plant build stronger cells more rapidly.
Then in mid-to-late May, apply a broad spectrum SDHI, such as Lexicon, at 21 oz/acre. Or, with the advent of the new DMI chemistry, you could apply Maxtima at 25.7 oz/acre. If you’re going after fairy ring, bump the application rate up to 35 oz/acre. A broad-spectrum fungicide this time of year is a good way to clean up anything that might be popping up. This application is almost like a reset going into the summer months.
Around this time, you would also want to look at a nematode spray if your assay shows that treatment is needed. You could choose Indemnify (17.1 oz/acre). Immediately water the fungicide in and, a short time later, add more water to ensure it’s down in the soil profile properly.
Shoulder applications throughout the growing season would include chlorothalonil, such as CLT 720. The application rate would be 2–3.6 oz/1,000 sq ft depending on disease pressure. A good rotational piece is Signature Xtra Stressguard, applied at 2–4 oz/1,000 sq ft on a 2-week interval or 4–6 oz/1,000 sq ft on a 21-day interval.
In mid-summer, make one of the following applications:
- Rotator: 0.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
- Zoxy 2F: 0.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
In late summer or early fall, go with another broad-spectrum fungicide, like the Lexicon application at the first of the summer. It’s also good to pull another nematode assay and consider Indemnify again if needed. A new bullet for take-all root rot is Kalida sprayed at 0.41 oz/1,000 sq ft every 28 days when soil temperatures reach 70–75°F at a 2-inch depth. You would apply this through the fall months.
With these guidelines, you can create a disease management plan that fits your course. As always, reach out to your sales representative for help customizing your fungicide program this summer.