Rodney Crouse

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Locations Winston-Salem Markets ServedGolf CourseSports Field
A little more about Rodney Crouse

As one of our golf, lawn care, and sports turf experts, Rodney Crouse is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Rodney has over 20 years of experience in the green industry. He graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in turfgrass management and is involved in the Carolinas GCSA and Cape Fear GCSA and is a Class A GCSAA Superintendent.

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Topdressing Golf Course Greens

Any good golf course greens program includes several different cultural practices. I would argue that topdressing…

Blog Golf Course
Warm-Season Grass Establishment

This year has been especially challenging for warm-season turf managers. What initially looked like a mild winter in the South has turned into many courses and field complexes dealing with winterkill on fairways, greens, and fields.

Blog Golf Course
Bermudagrass Summer Fungicide Applications

Fungicide applications depend on various factors, including the type of turfgrass you manage. Here are some recommendations you can follow for summer fungicide applications on bermudagrass.

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