On the North Carolina coast, warm-season turf aeration is still a couple of months away. But it’s never too early to game-plan for your specific needs. Like any aeration, the goal should be to remove as much thatch and material as possible without damaging the turf stand. Here are a few tips to help you start planning the process.

The main goal of aeration is to have the turf stand as healthy as possible before and after the process. Start by soil sampling and taking a nematode assay well before you aerate. Nutrient deficiencies and high nematode counts will cause anemic turf conditions and create turf stands that can’t withstand aggressive aeration. It is imperative to start addressing any issues well before you are scheduled to aerate.  

Secondly, if possible, try to make sure that you aerate in the best environmental conditions you can. Aeration is often scheduled long before it happens, and dates aren’t always flexible (please note the “if possible” in the first sentence). However, if you can control the timing of your aeration, make sure that you are going out in the best conditions possible. Ideally, aerate when temperatures are consistently higher than 75°F, and the ground is not too wet. Aerating under adverse conditions can cause delegated recovery or turf damage. Obviously, aeration is stressful on a turf stand, so try to be thoughtful when it comes to the timing of the process. 

Finally, make sure that you are getting the most bang for your buck when applying products during the aeration process. We offer several products that can be used during aeration. One favorite is Grow-In from Foliar-Pak. A post-aeration application of Grow-In at 10 ounces per thousand square feet will aid in recovery by delivering a full load of the nutrients that are important for establishment.

Whether you are looking for tines, greens grade fertilizer, or products to spray during aeration, we are here to help you. Reach out to your local Advanced Turf Solutions representative if you need any help with your aeration this season.