As the leaves turn brown and begin to fall, weeds continue growing, even though most post-emergent herbicides aren’t effective during the colder months. Defendor, by Corteva, is different, selectively controlling some of the toughest weeds when other post-emergents can’t.
Broad-Spectrum Control, Cold Weather Efficacy
Many customers will recognize that colder weather reduces the efficacy of some products, but Defendor can eliminate that worry. Designed to perform in low temperatures, it can help you manage over 20 stubborn annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, including dandelion and clover. For those in regions where dandelion is prevalent, Defendor provides complete control, and an application in the late fall will prevent it from blooming. See page three of Defendor’s label for the full list of controlled and suppressed weeds.
One Powerful Active Ingredient
Defendor’s active ingredient, florasulam (4.84%), prevents weeds from accessing several amino acids that are important to enzyme production and cell division, which halts their growth. Defendor should be rotated with other herbicides with different modes of action (Defendor is a Group 2 Herbicide) to combat resistance.
Low Use Rate
Defendor features a low use rate of 0.09 fluid ounces per thousand square feet, making it as economical as it is effective. It can be applied as a standard-volume broadcast application, a spot treatment, or a low-volume application. Defendor can be used as a standalone application or as part of a tank mix. See page two of the label for mixing directions.
Be sure to apply Defendor evenly across your turf. If stormy weather is in the forecast when you’re planning an application, Defendor becomes rain resistant within four hours.
Safe for Cool- and Warm-Season Turf
Defendor is safe for use on the following established turfgrass types:
- Cool-Season Grasses: Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, several fescue types
- Warm-Season Grasses: St. Augustinegrass, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, bahiagrass, kikuyugrass
Defendor can be used on tall fescue and perennial ryegrass at the time of seeding or during early emergence, too.
Defendor’s ability to perform in cooler temperatures and its low use rate make it a great choice for late fall control, when callbacks and complaints can be an issue. With Defendor, you can ensure your customers’ lawns are in great shape before winter strikes, and keep dandelion and other difficult weeds from becoming a problem next year. For more on Defendor and fall weed control tips in general, reach out to your ATS rep.