Todd Fregien
Sales Representative
As one of our golf experts, Todd Fregien is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Todd has been in the green industry since 1987 and has been with ATS since 2016. He is involved with the Midwest Association of Golf Course Superintendents and the Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association. Before entering the industry, Todd studied Soil Science with a Specialization in Turfgrass Management at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
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Greens aeration is a necessary cultural practice for many golf courses. It is the most important…
There are many fungicides available to the turfgrass manager in 2023. Selecting one fungicide over another should be not only a financial decision but also an agronomic decision.
Collar decline is normally not the result of just one causal agent. Typically, it is the combination of numerous factors that result in lower quality turfgrass on collars than in surrounding areas. The summer months bring higher temperatures and drought stress, making this the period when most collar decline occurs.
Let’s look at some causes of collar decline and how you can remedy each one.