Over the past 10 or so years, we have seen a pretty significant decrease in the total amount of nitrogen applied in a season to residential and commercial turf areas. The days of applying 5 to 6 total pounds of N are gone with the backing of University data suggesting that 4.0 to 4.5 total pounds for a season is more than plenty. And with the price increases we have seen in recent years on fertilizers, fewer N applications have also helped in lowering the cost per 1000 sq. ft. and providing better profit margins for operators.
Most lawn care companies still have two more applications to go to finish up the season, fall and late fall dormant feeding. Early spring through late summer fertilizer applications typically deliver 0.5 to 0.75 pounds of nitrogen, so don’t skimp on the fertilizer this fall. “Let it Fly” because the next two applications should provide close to half of the years total amount of nitrogen with the fall application delivering 1.0 lbs of N and the late fall feeding providing 1.0 to 1.25 lbs of N.
Fall is the time to make those turf areas shine again. The summer months, regardless of how stressful, have depleted the turf of color, density, essential nutrients and carbohydrates and are in need replenishing again. Benefits of the fall application are:
- Better fall and winter color
- Earlier spring green up
- Increased root density
- Improved fall, winter and spring root growth
- Enhanced storage of energy reserves
So “Let it Fly” this fall!
Advanced Turf Solutions has two great products to consider for this first fall application, ATS 30-0-4 30% PSCU + 1% FE or ATS 30-0-6 50% PSCU. Both will cover 15,000 sq. ft. applied at 3.33 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. and delivering a full pound of nitrogen. For the late fall, consider our ATS 34-0-4 AM covering 17,000 sq. ft. at 2.94 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. and delivering a full pound of nitrogen. For further information contact your local ATS representative and as always we thank you so much for your continued support and business!