Lawn & Landscape

Callback Cost

A business management mini-course for LCOs about the financial costs of callbacks and the impact they have on your company image.

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Course Summary:

This course will give you the big picture of how callbacks cost your business financially and its impact on your company image. The discussion will break down the loss of profit calculations from callbacks and demonstrate how a sound agronomic plan can reduce callbacks and uphold your lawn care business’s reputation.

About the Instructor:

Rick Grant is a sales manager for Advanced Turf Solutions with 30 years of experience in the green industry. He has a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University and also attended the Center for Creative Leadership and the Wharton Business School where his coursework included how to integrate finance and marketing in leadership opportunities.

*This mini-course is part of a business management series and does not qualify for continuing certification credits for pesticide applicators.


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