E-Scape ETQ fungicide (Chlorothalonil, Tebuconazole plus ETQ)
2.5 gal
Echo E-Scape, by Sipcam, controls dollar spot, copper spot, powdery mildew, corticium red thread, rusts, brown patch/Rhizoctonia blight, large patch, brown ring patch, anthracnose, red thread, pink patch, and other diseases. It contains chlorothalonil and tebuconazole. Echo E-Scape is labeled for use on golf course turf.
Active ingredients: chlorothalonil (30.51%) and tebuconazole (8.47%)
FRAC codes: M5, 3
Application rate: See label
Always read and follow label directions
Active ingredients: chlorothalonil (30.51%) and tebuconazole (8.47%)
FRAC codes: M5, 3
Application rate: See label